opioid addiction therapy near me

Opiate Addiction Treatment in Tampa

Addiction to prescribed drugs has escalated in Florida and opiate addiction is among the largest problem both for those who are addicted, and for Tampa, Florida officials who are combating the issue of the illegal use of pharmaceuticals. According to the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner’s Office, prescription drug abuse has become more fatal than abuse of illegal street drugs.

“What we’ve noticed in probably in the last 10 years across all parts of the United States, and in particular Florida, are unprecedented numbers of prescription drug overdoses in patients coming through the medical examiner’s office.” Dr. Julia Pearson is the chief forensic toxicologist at Hillsborough County’s Medical Examiner’s Office in Tampa.

In this county right now, our top two drugs in terms of overdoses, are actually two prescription drugs. One is oxycodone, which can be formulated as Percocet or oxycontin. And the second drug is methadone, which used to be used to treat heroin addiction, and now is being used to treat chronic pain. So those two drugs are the number one and number two causes of drug overdoses in this county, which is quite a substantial number of cases. At this point, we’re looking at almost 300 drug overdoses per year in Hillsborough County, which is almost one case per day.

Source: http://www.wmnf.org/news_stories/prescription-drug-abuse-on-the-rise The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency lists primary concerns in Florida as opiates such as heroin, Vicodin, OxyContin and methadone, and benzodiazepines such as Klonopin and Xanax. Opiate addiction in the Tampa bay area is on the rise and opiate treatment is in high demand. The key to successful treatment of opiate addiction is choosing the very best opiate treatment center or physician who can assist you with detoxing from opiates.

Finding Professional, Compassionate Opiate /Suboxone Treatment in Tampa Florida

Most Tampa suboxone clinics or doctors offer the same basic types of treatment such as the use of suboxone combined with behavior modification and counseling. Dr. Northrup is conveniently located in Tampa and offers compassionate care and addiction treatment. You will receive personalized addiction treatment according to your specific needs. Patients who are opiate addicted are treated uniquely and treatment is tailored to your individual needs, including but not limited to the use of suboxone and other treatment as indicated.

Whether you are a Tampa area resident addicted to pain killers such as Oxycontin, vicodin or other prescription opiate based drugs, or you are addicted to heroin another opiate based drug— Dr. Northrup will treat your addiction with straight forward methods including suboxone treatment and behavioral modification and counseling. Substance abuse is on the rise in the Tampa bay area, and throughout Florida. Being dependent on opiates or addicted to opiates is a medical problem that requires treatment. If you are searching for a Tampa suboxone doctor to assist you with the withdrawal effects it is important to choose a professional, qualified and compassionate doctor who is concerned about your well-being. Most importantly, you should make an informed decision and choose a physician and staff that you will feel comfortable with and who will provide consistent, professional care.

It is estimated that ten percent of physicians are themselves dependent on the very drugs they prescribe, according to the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors (CORD). Dr. Northrup has the expertise, knowledge and concern for his patients. He is committed to the care of those who are either opiate dependent or addicted to opiates or other addictive behaviors such as alcohol addiction, gambling, smoking and also other brain disorders.