
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Tampa

Although several efficient treatments are available for depression, first-line approaches like psychotherapy and antidepressants are not always effective for everyone. There is a more recent option referred to as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and at our practice, we offer the most effective pocket friendly TMS procedure.

What Is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive procedure that involves utilising magnetic fields to arouse the nerve cells in the brain to better the symptoms of depression. Here are some benefits of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

  • The procedure helps to increase activity in the prefrontal cortex
  • The procedure makes you feel emotionally better
  • The procedure improves your quality of sleep

Procedure For Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Our specialists start by identifying the best place on your head to put the magnet and the amount of magnetic energy for you. We do this by taking you to the treatment room, where you are asked to wear earplugs after sitting in a reclining chair. 

An electromagnetic coil is switched off and on to make arousing pulses after placing it on your head. You will then feel a tapping sensation on your forehead. Our qualified team then determines the quantity of magnetic energy required to increase the magnetic dose until your fingers twitch; this is used as a reference point to decide the best amount for you. 

The quantity of stimulation can be altered during the treatment period, depending on the side effects and symptoms. You will sit comfortably in a chair, wearing the earplugs, with the magnetic coil placed alongside your head. After the machine is switched on, you hear clicking sounds and feel some tapping on your forehead. Our TMS procedure lasts for about 40 minutes.

Contact Us Today

If you’re interested in TMS, visit our practice to see one of our experts. You might be a suitable candidate if you are young, have a low risk of seizures, and have not felt relief from using antidepressants and therapy.